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Power Of The District Attorney

Be Nice, They Can Play Hard Ball Or Soft Ball.

Can The Police Really Put In A Good Word To The District.Attorney?

"Help Us To Help You'"

Although I can't make any promises, if you cooperate with us, I'll put in a good word to the District Attorney on how helpful you were. It may help with your own charges." I am sure you have heard this statement on TV...... or maybe in real life.

So, can they put in a "good word" to the District Attorney?

Sure they can. ....

So what can they offer you if you do cooperate? They can write in their reports how helpful you may have been. Could be in helping them against yourself or with another case.
Remember, giving them information against you helps them in their case against..... you.
The more you talk, the more new charges they probably can think up to bring against you.

Something to think about in regards to that Right To Remain Silent suggestion.

But Wait! "Why Wouldn't I Say Something About Another Crime That I Have Information About, If Doing So Might Help Me With My Own Case?"

Well, I never said don't say anything. I just said... don't discuss it with the Police.

It is the District Attorney's decision on what to do about your charges... not the Police! No matter what the Police say in your behalf, the District Attorney can chose to ignore it. ( lets think about this... how hard are the Police going to go, to attempt to change anything about your case? ) I believe the phrase "I can't make any promises" just about explains that.

So how do you get your information to work for you?

You remain silent and wait for your Attorney! If you have information that might help in a crime you may know about, give that information to your Attorney, not the Police!

If you have to wait until one is appointed, I still suggest you wait.

Your Attorney will do your talking for you to the District Attorney. They will see what the District Attorney will want to offer you for that information. Your Attorney can get a better "deal" than the Police.

My Final Thought

I do not have a comment board on this site as yet. My intention was to blog this information but I quickly realized that this information would be no good in segments. I believe everything needs to be available at once. However, I also need to be sure that what I write about, is Right! I am posting the Page Links first. They explain what the court forms are about and how to fill them out. I have some webpages started and some almost completed. I am working as quickly as I can and by Dec. 2011, I should be finished.

If you would like to comment feel free to e-mail me at
