Legal Questions? / Legal Answers!

What You'll Discover In The Discovery Process

"I have checked all the legal avenues I could before posting my thoughts or suggestions. But I stress again, I am not a Lawyer. If by chance I get lucky enough to have a lawyer stumble across this site and they find something I have posted not correct, or if they could offer any information that might help us all. I would hope they use my e-mail address, and help me to help those who stop here..

If you would like to comment feel free to e-mail me at

My Final Thought...

"I would ask you to please remember, my knowledge is from helping others and doing the work involved to help them with their cases. I am NOT a Lawyer. I really enjoy exploring all the angles of any legal situation one finds themselves in. I also enjoy helping those that have been wronged or just have given up. When I help others it fuels my desire to learn more. I hope this website helps you to understand how and where to seek help. How to involve yourself with your Attorney and help them with your case. Hopefully you will learn a thing or two that helps you in your own struggles. To me, some of the laws seems simple. Almost common sense. I always start at the end and work my way back. What is the worst thing that could happen to you? Spending time in jail? Paying a fine? Having to report to a Probation Officer? Go to the end. That is where you start. Once you know what the end result might be, It makes it a bit easier to focus on what needs to be done and what you can live with as far as a plea agreement"